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Explanation of Charges on Your Bill

Explanation of Charges on Your Bill

For increased transparency, Great Plains Natural Gas is now separately itemizing each Public Utilities Commission-approved charge on your bill. Each charge is separately listed, making it easy to compare them against the company’s tariff schedules, Which Are Posted Here.

Brief Summary Of The Charges That Could Appear On A Customer Bill:

A monthly or daily charge designed to recover a portion of the fixed costs incurred in providing utility service regardless of how much energy is used.

This is a fee charged by a city to Great Plains Natural Gas for operating within the city. If applicable, Great Plains Natural Gas will collect this city-imposed franchise fee from its gas service customers located within that city. One hundred percent of the franchise fees collected shall be submitted to the government entity assessing such fee.

A fixed value used to convert meter readings to actual energy use when gas service is delivered at an elevated pressure.

This charge recovers the cost of gas itself as well as other related costs Great Plains Natural Gas incurs from its pipeline suppliers in providing natural gas service. The cost is strictly a pass-through to customers and does not provide Great Plains Natural Gas with a profit.

Conservation Cost Recovery Adjustment is the charge that provides funding for Conservation Programs. In addition to the CCRA, a base charge is billed as part of the distribution charge.

A volumetric charge to recover the costs of delivering energy to your meter. This amount varies with the amount of energy used.

The Dk billed is reflective of the total amount of natural gas used in the billing period. The amount of natural gas used as measured by the gas meter is converted to Dk by applying a therm factor to the measured use in order to reflect the heating value of natural gas delivered.

Volumetric surcharge paid by residential and firm general service customers to fund GAP that helps qualified customers manage their monthly gas heating bills and pay past-due balances.

A volumetric charge that recovers the costs related to the replacement of natural gas distribution facilities required to comply with state & federal pipeline safety programs.

A volumetric charge designed to adjust for the over- or under-collection of distribution revenues when compared to the level of revenues authorized in the last rate case, adjusted for customer growth.

The therm factor adjusts the amount of natural gas measured by the meter for the heat content and atmospheric pressure of the gas delivered to a customer’s premise. This conversion ensures that all customers are billed based on the heat value of the gas during the applicable billing period.