Commercial Incentive Programs

Commercial Incentive Programs

2025 Commercial & Industrial Rebate Programs

Great Plains is committed to helping customers save energy and money. Great Plains offers Minnesota natural gas customers rebates through a variety of Energy Conservation and Optimization (ECO) Programs. Not only will you receive money for investing energy saving equipment, but you will also save money into the future through reduced energy bills. These programs are approved on an annual basis and are in effect from January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025. Great Plains commercial natural gas customers who purchase and install the following high-efficiency natural gas equipment may be eligible for a rebate.

If you have questions regarding Great Plains’ commercial & industrial incentive programs or would like to electronically submit your application, you may send them to: Great Plains ECO Programs.

  • Minnesota
  • North Dakota

Commercial Water Heating Program

Natural Gas Water Heater:
ENERGY STAR® Rated or ≥ 0.64 UEF Storage Water Heater ( ≥ 40 Gallons)
ENERGY STAR® Rated or ≥ 88% Condensing Efficiency Water Heater
$140/100,000 kBtuh

To apply for a Natural Gas Water Heating Rebate, fill out the Commercial Water Heating Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Commercial Heating Program

Natural Gas Space HeatingRebate
94% or greater AFUE Furnace$300
96% or greater AFUE Furnace$400
Infrared Low-Intensity Tube Type Heater$250
88% of greater AFUE Thermal Efficiency Condensing Unit Heater$300
85% to 87.9% AFUE Hot Water Boiler*$1,700/MMBtuh
*Additional $200/MMBtuh for the percentage AFUE over the minimum qualification, (i.e. (New Boiler AFUE – 85) X ($200 X New Boiler MMBtuh).
88% or greater AFUE Hot Water Boiler*$2,700/MMBtuh
*Additional $200/MMBtuh for the percentage AFUE over the minimum qualification, (i.e. (New Boiler AFUE – 88) X ($200 X New Boiler MMBtuh).

To apply for the Commercial Heating Rebate, fill out the Commercial Heating Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Commercial Steam Boiler Heating Program

Natural Gas Space HeatingRebate
Low Pressure Boilers (15 PSI and Under & < 300 kBtuh)
84% or greater AFUE*$400/100 kBtuh
*Additional $100/100 kBtuh for the percentage AFUE over the minimum qualification, (i.e. (New Boiler AFUE – 84) X ($100 X New Boiler 100 kBtuh).
84% or greater AFUE**$1,300/MMBtuh
**Additional $200/MMBtuh for the percentage AFUE over the minimum qualification, (i.e. (New Boiler AFUE – 84) X ($200 X New Boiler MMBtuh).
High Pressure Boilers (Over 15 PSI & ≥ 300 kBtuh)
83% or greater AFUE*$400/100 kBtuh
*Additional $100/100 kBtuh for the percentage AFUE over the minimum qualification, (i.e. (New Boiler AFUE – 83) X ($100 X New Boiler 100 kBtuh).
83% or greater AFUE$1,300/MMBtuh
**Additional $200/MMBtuh for the percentage AFUE over the minimum qualification, (i.e. (New Boiler AFUE – 83) X ($200 X New Boiler MMBtuh).

To apply for the Commercial Steam Boiler Heating Rebate, fill out the Commercial Steam Boiler Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Commercial Boiler Upgrade Program

Commercial Space Heating BoilersRebate
Boiler Tune-Up (< 2,500 kBtuh)$200
Boiler Tune-Up (≥ 2,500 kBtuh)$300
Boiler Modulating Burners (< 2,500 kBtuh)$1,250
Boiler Modulating Burners (≥ 2,500 kBtuh)$2,500
Boiler O2 Control$3,000
Boiler Cut-Out Control$100
Boiler Outdoor Air Reset Control$300
Boiler Stack Dampers$500
Boiler Turbulators$500

To apply for the Commercial Boiler Upgrade Rebate, fill out the 2023_MN_Commercial-Boiler-Upgrades and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Commercial Heating System Steam Trap Program

Commercial customers who use natural gas from Great Plains as their primary source of heating and replace existing steam traps with higher efficiency steam traps may qualify for a rebate of up to 50% of the equipment cost. This rebate is based on the amount of energy savings calculated by Great Plains.

To apply for the Commercial Steam Trap Rebate, rebate, fill out the Commercial Steam Trap Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Commercial Food Service Program

The commercial food service program is available to new or existing customers for natural gas equipment that is used for food service operations. The following equipment is eligible under this program.

Commercial Natural Gas Food Service EquipmentRebate
Convection Oven$500
Fryer (High Efficiency or Infrared)$500
Pasta Cooker$500
Charbroiler (Infrared)$500
Salamander Broiler$500
Rotisserie Oven$500
Griddle (High Efficiency)$500
Conveyor Oven$500
Broiler (Infrared)$1000
Rotating Rack Oven$1000

To apply for the Commercial Food Service Rebate, fill out the Commercial Food Service Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Commercial Building Certification Program

This program is designed to encourage new or existing commercial customers to obtain certification for their buildings from ENERGY STAR, Leadership in Energy Efficiency Design (LEED) or Green Globes.

ENERGY STAR Labeled Buildings: Buildings and plants that rate in the top 25% of facilities in the nation for energy performance may qualify for the ENERGY STAR label with professional engineering verification that they meet current indoor air quality standards. Under this program, Great Plains will rebate 50% of the cost of professional engineering services (with a maximum rebate of $3,000/facility). This rebate is available to new and existing commercial or industrial buildings that meet the eligibility requirements as set by ENERGY STAR and that use natural gas, supplied by Great Plains, as the primary heating source.

To qualify for the rebate, the customer must complete a Commercial Building Certification Rebate Application Form and attach a copy of the complete application as submitted to ENERGY STAR and an invoice for the professional engineering services.

LEED Building Certification: LEED is a third-party certification program and the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings. Commercial buildings as defined by standard building codes are eligible for certification under the LEED for New Construction, LEED for Existing Buildings, LEED For Commercial Interiors, LEED for Retail, LEED for Schools and LEED for Core & Shell rating systems. Building types include – but are not limited to – offices, retail and service establishments, institutional buildings (e.g. libraries, schools, museums and religious institutions), hotels and residential buildings of four or more habitable stories. Under this program Great Plains will rebate 50% of the cost of application fees and/or professional engineering services (with a maximum of $5,000/facility). This rebate is available to new and existing buildings that are eligible under the requirements and the LEED rating systems and use natural gas supplied by Great Plains as the primary heating source.

To qualify for the rebate, the customer must complete a Commercial Building Certification Rebate Application Form and attach a copy of the completed LEED application, copy of final LEED ratings report and an invoice for the professional engineering services.

Green Globes Certified Buildings: Green Globes offers opportunities for recognition and certification in the design, construction or operation of commercial buildings via a formal Green Globes rating and certification system. Building projects that have completed either the New Construction self-assessment or the Continual Improvement for Existing Buildings assessment, and scored a minimum threshold of 35% of the 1,000 available points are eligible to schedule an independent third-party review and site assessment that leads to a formal Green Globes rating. Based on the points scored after the independent third-party assessment, buildings are assigned a Green Globes rating of one to four and are awarded a plaque recognizing their environmental achievements. Great Plains will rebate 50% of the cost of the independent third-party assessment (with a maximum of $2,500/facility). This rebate is available to new and existing commercial or industrial buildings that meet the minimum 35% threshold of the New Construction self-assessment or the Continual Improvement for Existing Buildings assessment and use natural gas supplied by Great Plains as the primary heating source.

To qualify for the rebate, the customer must complete a Commercial Building Certification Rebate Application Form and attach a copy of the self-assessment showing that the project meets the 35% minimum threshold, a completed copy of the final rating report and a copy of the invoice for the cost of the independent third-party review services.

Sustainable Buildings 2030 (SB2030): SB2030 is a progressive energy conservation program initiated by the Minnesota (MN) Legislature. SB2030 sets specific performance targets (energy standards) for energy use in buildings. The SB2030 program has established cost-effective energy efficiency performance standards for new and substantially reconstructed commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. The goal is to significantly reduce carbon emissions by lowering energy use. Great Plains will rebate 100 percent of the first $5,000 and 50 percent of additional costs for professional engineering services with a maximum payout of $10,000 for commercial or industrial buildings that meet the SB2030 requirements.

To qualify for the rebate, the customer must first contact Great Plains Natural Gas, then fill out a Commercial Building Certification Rebate Application Form.

Commercial Energy Assessment Program

Great Plains commercial customers who use more than 1,000 dk of natural gas annually as their primary fuel source for heating and/or water heating qualify for this program. Great Plains will have a commercial energy assessment performed on the customer’s facility for a cost of $150. The energy assessment will be performed by a third-party contractor and will include a complete analysis and inspection of how energy is used at the facility and also provide potential energy saving measures that can be implemented at the facility along with project costs, energy savings, rebates available and simple payback periods.

The customer is responsible for paying $150 of the energy assessment. This amount will be refunded to the customer if they complete at least one energy efficiency measure identified in the assessment that qualifies for a rebate through Great Plains’ Conservation Improvement Program portfolio. In order to receive the refund, the measure must be completed within one year of the energy assessment.

For a complete listing of the program terms and conditions and to apply for the Commercial Energy Assessment, complete a Commercial Energy Assessment Application form. A limited number of Commercial Energy Assessments are available each year and are awarded on a first come first served basis.

Industrial/Grain Dryer Energy Assessment Program

Great Plains commercial customers who use more than 1,000 dk of natural gas annually as their primary fuel source for industrial processes qualify for this program. Great Plains will have an industrial energy assessment performed on the customer’s facility for a cost of $500 for commercial customers except grain drying facilities. Grain drying facilities can have an industrial assessment performed for a cost of $250. The industrial energy assessment will be performed by a third-party contractor and will include a complete analysis and inspection of how energy is used at the facility for process load and provide potential energy saving measures that can be implemented at the facility along with project costs, energy savings, rebates available and simple payback periods.

The customer is responsible for paying $500 or $250 (depending on the type of facility). This amount will be refunded to the customer if they complete at least one energy efficiency measure identified in the assessment that qualifies for a rebate through Great Plains’ Conservation Improvement Program portfolio. In order to receive the refund, the measure must be completed within one year of the industrial energy assessment.

For a complete listing of the program terms and conditions and to apply for the Industrial/Grain Dryer Energy Assessment, complete an Industrial/Grain Dryer Energy Assessment Application form. A limited number of Industrial Assessments are available each year and will be awarded on a first com first served basis.

Commercial Custom Project

Commercial customers who use natural gas from Great Plains as their primary source of heating qualify for this program. Proposed commercial energy saving projects must be submitted to Great Plains for pre-approval. Great Plains will calculate the rebate based on the amount of energy savings and project economics. Measurement and verification of energy saving may be required and rebate estimates may be reduced based on the actual amount of verified energy savings. To apply for this rebate, fill out the Commercial Custom Project Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Rebate Payments

Rebate payments will be issued in the form of check. Great Plains does not issue rebates in the form of a utility bill credit.

North Dakota Does Not Offer Any Commercial Incentive Programs At This Time.