Income Qualified Programs

Income Qualified Programs

2025 Income Qualified Rebate Programs

Great Plains offers Minnesota natural gas income qualified rebates through the Energy Conservation and Optimization (ECO) Programs. The programs are designed to help customers in need save money and energy. These programs are approved on an annual basis and are in effect from January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025.

If you have questions regarding Great Plains’ income qualified programs or would like to electronically submit your rebate application, you may send the information to:  Great Plains ECO Programs

  • Minnesota
  • North Dakota

Income Qualified natural gas energy efficiency programs for homeowners, renters, and property owners

Great Plains has heating and water heating rebates available to income qualified customers and property owners of income qualified units.

Income Qualified – Heating & Water Heating Program

The income-qualified heating and water heating program is available to existing one-four-unit dwellings served with natural gas from Great Plains. Homeowners as well as rental property owners may apply for this rebate program. A property is considered to qualify as low income if the resident(s) qualify for any of the following assistance programs:

Low Income Qualification Programs*:
Weatherization Assistance
Lifeline (discounted phone & internet)
Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)
Telephone Assistance Plan (TAP)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP)
Public Housing
Medicaid/Medical Assistance
Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA)/202/811
Federal Housing Assistance (FPHA)
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program (Section 8 Vouchers)
Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)

*Current documentation must be provided, with the tenant’s name and address for the qualifying low-income assistance program.

Program Qualifications:
Existing 1-to-4-unit dwellings served with natural gas from Great Plains
Available to homeowners, renters, and rental property owners
Property tenant(s) must be considered low-income as defined in the application form

Participants in this program are not eligible for the bonus rebate offered under the Low-Income Multi-Family Building Efficiency program.

Qualifying Equipment
Minimum Efficiency
Natural Gas Furnace – Replacement Only
$96% AFUE
50% of Installed Cost, Maximum of $1,750
Natural Gas Storage Water Heater
0.64 UEF
Natural Gas Instantaneous Water Heater
0.87 UEF
Wi-Fi Enabled Programmable Thermostat – Tier 2
Wi-Fi Enabled Learning Thermostat – Tier 3
Free Low Flow Showerhead – Must use natural gas for water heating and does not require low-income qualification

* Rebates will not exceed 100% of the equipment costs.

To learn more about the program or to apply fill out the Income-Qualified Heating & Water Heating Application Form and send it to Great Plains. Remember to include all of the required information, including low-income qualification documentation and a copy of the dealer sales invoice. A complete listing of the qualification, application requirements and instructions are on page three of the form.

Great Plains offers a limited number of rebates under each category of the Income Qualified-Heating & Water Heating program on an annual basis.

Low-Income Multi-Family Building Efficiency Program

The Low-Income Multi-Family Building Efficiency Program is available to property owners of income qualified multi-family buildings (existing and new construction) with two or more units. The program will provide a building assessment to help the property owner better understand the buildings energy use. The building assessment will include direct install of low-cost energy saving products. Building owners will be provided additional recommendations for energy saving measures in the building and will be offered bonus rebates if they choose to implement additional energy saving measures.

Great Plains has partnered with Frontier Energy to deliver the low-income multi-family building efficiency program.

Building Qualifications*:
Multi-Family dwelling with two or more units (existing & new construction)
Served with natural gas from Great Plains
Nonowner occupied properties serving primarily low-income households with at least 66% of the building’s units occupied by Low-income households
Building will qualify if it qualifies for the Weatherization Assistance Program; MN Housing Low-Income Rental Classification (LIRC); Use Restriction Declaration; Public Housing; or meet other income qualified requirements per state guidelines
Operated with the understanding that rental rates for low-income residents will not be increased as a result of the property owner participating in energy efficiency measures for the building

*Buildings that do not meet Low-Income qualifications may participate in the program. Great Plains offers a limited number of market rate multi-family building efficiency applications each year. Customers qualify for the same benefits as the Income Qualified customers, except the bonus rebate is an additional 30% of the existing prescriptive rebate programs. The rebate bonus does not apply to the Income Qualified-Heating & Water Heating Program.

What We Offer:
Free building assessment (in person, remote or virtual depending on your needs), conducted by an experienced energy expert
No-Cost installation of energy saving products. Direct install measures will vary by customer, but may include faucet aerators, low flow showerheads, weather stripping (door sweeps)
Project management assistance for installation/participation in further energy efficiency rebate programs. Income-qualified buildings will be eligible for a rebate bonus two times the current Great Plains ECO programs (up to the equipment cost). The rebate bonus does not apply to the Income Qualified-Heating & Water Heating Program

To apply for the low-income multi-family building efficiency program, fill out the Multi-Family Building Efficiency Program Application Form and send it to Great Plains. Once we receive you application, you will be contacted by a representative from Frontier Energy to verify qualification and set up the building assessment.

Great Plains offers accepts a limited number of Multi-Family Building Efficiency applicants each year. Applications are accepted in the order in which they are received.

North Dakota Does Not Offer Any Income Qualified Rebates At This Time.