Residential Incentive Programs

Residential Incentive Programs

2025 Residential Rebate Programs

Great Plains is committed to helping customers save energy and money. Great Plains offers its Minnesota natural gas customers rebates through a variety of Energy Conservation Optimization (ECO) Programs. Not only will you receive money for investing energy saving equipment, but you will also save money into the future through reduced energy bills. These programs are approved on an annual basis and are in effect from January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025. Great Plains residential natural gas customers who purchase the following high efficiency natural gas equipment may be eligible for a rebate.

If you have questions regarding Great Plains’ residential rebate programs or would like to electronically submit your rebate application, you may send them to: Great Plains ECO Programs

  • Minnesota
  • North Dakota

Residential Water Heating Program

Natural Gas Water Heater:
ENERGY STAR® Rated or ≥ 0.64 UEF Storage (Tank) Water Heater
ENERGY STAR® Rated or ≥ 0.87 UEF Instantaneous (Tankless) Water Heater

Free Low Flow Showerheads – Available to customers who heat their water with natural gas. Customers may be eligible to receive a free low flow showerhead for each shower fixture located in their home. The free low flow showerhead program is also available to multi-family housing units.

To apply for the high efficiency water heater and free low flow showerhead programs, fill out the Water Heating Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Residential Heating Program

Natural Gas Heating:
94% or greater AFUE Furnace
96% or greater AFUE Furnace
84% or greater AFUE Boiler
91% or greater AFUE Boiler
Programmable Setback thermostat:
5-2 day or > with 4 time periods/day
Wi-fi Thermostat
Wi-Fi Learning Thermostat

Programmable setback thermostats must meet the following requirements:

Tier 1 Rebate: The programmable thermostat must be a 5-2 day or greater and have at least 4 programmable time periods per day (i.e. wake, leave, return and sleep). To qualify, the Tier 1 thermostat must be purchased and installed by a heating contractor with a qualifying new high efficiency furnace or boiler.

Tier 2 Rebate: The thermostat must be a communicating Wi-Fi connected thermostat with customer access to set points and schedule from anywhere with a smart device. The Tier 2 thermostat does not require contractor installation, nor the purchase of a qualifying new high efficiency natural gas furnace or boiler.

Tier 3 Rebate: The thermostat must be an analytics capable Wi-Fi connected learning thermostat which has additional energy saving features including coaching, HVAC diagnostics, etc. The Tier 3 thermostat does not require contractor installation, nor the purchase of a qualifying new high efficiency natural gas furnace or boiler.

To apply for the high efficiency heating and programmable set-back thermostat programs, fill out the Residential Heating Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Residential Furnace/Boiler Tune-up Program

Great Plains will provide a $50 rebate* to customers who have a furnace/boiler tune-up performed on their natural gas heating system, by a qualified contractor. Furnace/Boiler tune-ups maximize the efficiency of existing natural gas heating systems. To apply, fill out the Furnace Tune-Up Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt as well as the Furnace/Boiler Tune-Up Checklist form to be filled out and signed by the contractor. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements, and instructions are on page two of the form.

*Rebates will not be issued for more than 100% of the cost of the service.

Residential Energy Assessment Program

Residential Energy Assessment Program – If you are noticing moisture problems, drafts, or other problems with your home, Great Plains offers residential energy assessments. For only $50, a state-certified energy auditor will perform an assessment of your home, discuss energy-saving ideas and provide you with energy-saving supplies worth approximately $25. If you are interested in receiving a home energy assessment, fill out the Residential Energy Assessment Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Great Plains offers a limited number of Residential Energy Assessments annually.

Residential Attic Insulation Program

Great Plains residential natural gas customers who are enhancing their existing home with additional attic insulation or performing attic bypass sealing may qualify for this program. In order to qualify for the attic insulation, you must have an energy assessment performed on your home prior to the insulation installation. The energy assessment must be conducted through the Great Plains Residential Energy Assessment program listed above.

Attic Insulation Rebate Details – In order to qualify, the beginning R-Value of your existing attic insulation must be less than R-25 and the ending R-Value of your attic insulation must be R-49 or greater. If your insulation project meets these qualifications, and you have had an energy assessment performed on your home, Great Plains will provide a rebate of $150 or 50% of the cost of the insulation project (whichever is less).

To apply for the attic insulation, fill out the Residential Attic Insulation Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains.

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt and a copy of the energy assessment report. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Residential Pilotless Fireplace Program

Great Plains residential natural gas customers who purchase and install a new pilotless natural gas fireplace, or retrofit their existing natural gas fireplace qualify for a rebate of $75.

To apply for the Pilotless Natural Gas Fireplace rebate fill out the Residential Pilotless Fireplace Rebate Application Form and send it to Great Plains

Remember to include a copy of the dealer sales invoice or receipt and the manufacturer’s specifications for the fireplace. A complete listing of the qualifications, application requirements and instructions are on page two of the form.

Rebate Payments – Rebate payments will be issued in the form of a check. Great Plains does not issue rebates in the form of a utility bill credit.

North Dakota Does Not Offer Any Residential Incentives At This Time.