Customer Service Hours

7:30 AM-6:30 PM CST

24-Hour Emergency


Preferred Service by Homeserve

Preferred Service by Homeserve

Home repair plans are available to Great Plains’ residential customers from HomeServe USA. All plans purchased through HomeServe will be billed on your monthly Great Plains utility service bill. For more information regarding the plans available visit HomeServe USA or call 855-849-9193.

Repair Plan Benefits
Emergency home repairs can be costly, with low-cost repair plans from HomeServe you can have access to a 24/7 repair hotline where you can schedule a repair for many of the systems throughout your home and property. There is never a deductible and HomeServe pays the technician’s bill for the covered repairs up to the benefit amount and all covered repairs are guaranteed for one year. Sign up Today

Current HomeServe Customers
If you are a HomeServe customer and are in need of emergency service, contact HomeServe at 855-849-9193.

Periodically, Great Plains customers will receive information in the mail from HomeServe regarding repair plans available. Great Plains does not provide utility customer information to any outside entities. HomeServe purchases mailing list information from publicly available sources for all of their direct marketing.

If you would prefer not to receive mail solicitations from HomeServe, please email HomeServe at [email protected] and include “Unsubscribe” in the subject line and your billing address in the body of the email, or call HomeServe at 855-849-9193.

HomeServe USA Repair Management Corp. (“HomeServe”), with corporate offices located at 601 Merritt 7, 6th Floor, Norwalk, CT 06851, is an independent company separate from Great Plains Natural Gas Co. and offers this optional service plan as an authorized representative of the service contract provider, North American Warranty, Inc., 175 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604. Participation or non-participation in this service plan will not affect the price, availability or terms of utility service from Great Plains Natural Gas Co.